At our tenth scholarships presentation we were joined by emcee Melinda Smith and over 160 supporters to celebrate the success of 25 scholarship recipients.
Scholarships are awarded to students at least 15 years old who are committed to achieving educational goals, but who, because of financial hardship, are at significant risk of being unable to do so.
On learning of their success responses were: “Oh thank you so much. This is the best news ever. I really appreciate it.”, “Cool. Thank you. You have no idea what this means.”, “Thank you. Oh thank you so much. This is amazing, thank you.”
A major component in the awarding of a scholarship is the recipient’s commitment to their educational goals. Most recipients are still in high school while some are already at TAFE and university. Funds can be used for school fees, uniforms, excursions, laptop computers, printers and other items required for education.
Throughout the year recipients will submit invoices and receipts. Thanks to our many generous sponsors who make the annual scholarships program possible. Also thanks to everyone who made the day a success: photographer Andrew Monger of AJM Photography who did a fabulous job, Kate Bernardino of Purser Corporate Communication, emcee Melinda Smith, the scholarships committee, the volunteer events team, the MSN executive and all who came along to support our very deserving students. Thanks also to Helen and her team at Engineers Australia Newcastle Office for providing space for our interviews and their kindness to the students as they arrived.